Over the next few weeks, college students will be traveling to their college of choice. You may know some students who are going for their first time. If you know a student who might be interested in connecting with Campus Crusade for Christ’s ministry on their campus, check for information at using our ministry locator. Many of our campus groups have their own website and you can find information in the ministry locator. You can also find a contact person.
Click here for the ministry locator.
Why not pause right now and pray for the students you know who will be returning to college.
Some things to pray:
- Pray that Christian students would find a place to connect spiritually through one of the excellent Christian groups on campus.
- Pray that students who have not yet found Christ will have experiences that awaken and quicken their spiritual interest. Pray that they will find someone who truly follows Jesus who can share the gospel with them.
- Pray for those fulltime vocation Christian workers with Campus Crusade for Christ, with Navigators, with InterVarsity, and with denominational ministries who will invest their lives these next months in seeking the lost and discipling the followers.
- Pray for Christian professors who are sharing their lives with students every day in the classroom and in informal opportunities, sometimes in the midst of hostile environments where their economic futures may be adversely affected because of their ministry activities.
I recall how significant our colleges years were in spiritual formation in our lives. College was the time for both Kay and myself where we learned how to walk daily in the power of the Holy Spirit, where we learned how to and began the practice of taking the initiative in sharing Christ with others, where we made commitments to follow Christ for the rest of our lives and to participate in helping fulfill the Great Commission.