Kay and I have been on an adventure during our travel from Nairobi to Dallas, Texas so that we can drive back to Orlando, Florida. We were delayed a day in Nairobi due to technical difficulties. We finally made it to Paris last night. This morning, we learned that our flight to Houston, Texas was delayed 6 hours.
On Friday night after canceling our long-delayed flight, Kenya Airlines shuttled us to a hotel near the airport. Riding in the bus about 2 am, I recalled one of those critically-important lessons I learned from Henry Brandt. I had no choice about being on the bus. The flight was canceled. I was going to spend a few more hours in Nairobi, and I was going to only get 3 hours of sleep. I had no choice over those things. What I did have a choice about is my attitude. I am going to be sitting in a seat on the shuttle bus, but I could be sitting there full of joy or full of anger. I could sit there relaxing in God’s sovereignty, or stressing out because my plans where thwarted. The choice of my attitude is mine. “for it is God who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose.” (Philippians 2:13).
The herd rush to grab seats on the airplane about noon today caused me to rejoice that my place in heaven is secure. It’s promised. It’s guaranteed. I have no fear of missing my seat.
Most excellent reminder…I remember you and mom telling us that when we were kids, and it used to make me frustrated because it put my attitude back on me instead of on circumstances! Keep walking with patience through this travel odyssey!
Kay and Keith ( K.K OR 2K ),
I present to you my best wishes for the New Year. That 2007 brings Three Hundred Sixty-five (365) days of Peace to you, Fifty two (52) weeks of Joy, Twelve months (12) of Grace, one year (1) of three-dimensional vision as a Jesus Christ and especially all that you wish, with your family and all those which are expensive to you.
Deliberately, we kept your message of peace, of solidarity and unit in your spoken style because we will not stop calling upon the divine benevolence for you and we kindly request to you to choose us among your spiritual advisers. Can you with the same force associate desire to us for approaching you Jesus Christ and for letting to you seize by him!
Close to us the interrogation becomes considerable: is it possible to profit your recognition or your good hand i.e. to join us as being ambassador of our organization? You have the determination to join your foundation or association i.e. will our organization be able to profit from your participation and it will be recorded like one of your partners? We need your good hand. We hold to thank you and recall you that our organization has four projects to ensure the three-dimensional vision during this New Year (in 2007), it acts of:
– Bible for all in our city (an important project)
– Internet for all
– The rebuilding of our medical centre
With the expression of our greetings differently,
Your brother and be loved Billy NZALAMPANGI NGITUKA
Secretary general in charge of the international relations
The ngo “The Friends of the District” ( in french, l’ongd-asbl “Les Amis du Quartier”)
Phone: 00243816880236
Fax :0018014592859
e-mail: billyngituka@yahoo.fr
P.S. Currently, I am in Kinshasa (DRC) and I invite you to agree to request (to pray or call upon the Eternal for my next voyage for Nairobi, KENYA to 20 – 25 january and France, in Paris to 27 january – 13 february 2006). All my detailed attention with all the faithful members of campus crusade for christ in world.