I am in Singapore at Campus Crusade for Christ’s measurements conference. This is about 20 leaders from every area of the world who are working together to create and implement a measurement system.
My boss, and the Vice President of Operations Roger Bruehl, shared his heart with us yesterday as we opened this week together. He pointed out that measurements are important to God. Some of his thoughts:
- There is an entire book in the Bible called Numbers.
- Twice the Bible records huge feedings. But it doesn’t just say that a crowd was fed. It records 4,000 were fed and 5,000 were fed.
- There are 14 times in the book of Acts where a report was given.
I remember something I heard from another Campus Crusade leader in the Middle East. He was addressing the issue of measurements, counting, and reporting. He said, “We in Campus Crusade count people because people count to God.”
Roger asked us to break up into small groups and answer two questions.
Why are measurements important to God?
Our group had these thoughts:
- We are encouraged when we see growth. God already knows. Counting is for us.
- Measurements bring clarity. Measurements require us to be specific and precise. What should be included in the count? What should not be included in the count?
- They provide a testimony to future generations. They document the works of God for the next generation.
- Counting shows us the personal nature of God. He sees people as individuals, not just a crowd. He knows the number of hairs on our heads, not just the color of our hair or lack of hair!
I especially liked the thought that counting shows us the personal nature of God. That is powerful! He doesn’t just see us as a group — as Christians, as a local church, as Campus Crusade for Christ. He sees each of us individually. He knows me as an individual.
Why are measurements important to helping us in Campus Crusade accomplish our mission?
Some of our thoughts:
- They help us determine and use fruitful methods.
- They help us separate results from activity.
- They build our faith to trust God more when we document what is doing.
- They help us be effective stewards of the donations God entrusts us with.
I’m looking forward to more today!
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