Last week, you prayed for my presentation to Campus Crusade for Christ’s board of directors. Here is a part of that presentation, where I explained how we are using technology to increase our fruitfulness and to capture an amazing opportunity that God is giving us.
This is a longer email than I usually write, but I wanted to open the door for you to see the amazing fruitfulness God is bringing through the DaVinci Code movie opportunity.
Every 3 seconds someone sees the gospel on a Campus Crusade for Christ website. Every 1 minute, someone indicates a decision for Christ. Every 3 minutes, an email conversation begins with a trained counselor.
On May 19th, the movie The DaVinci Code is being released globally, in 67 countries. The Christian community is embracing this tremendous opportunity to engage people in spiritual conversations. Campus Crusade for Christ is at the very forefront of capturing this opportunity. We’ve developed a powerful and popular Companion Guide. Josh McDowell has written a book, The DaVinci Code: A Quest for Answers.
The Companion Guide is available in 14 languages that we know of: English, French, Latvian, Portuguese,Korean, Japanese, Spanish, Hungarian, Russian, Croatian, Turkish, Bulgarian, Egyptian Arabic, and Finnish.
It’s being printed in about 20 locations around the globe. This global collaboration around a global event was not possible just a few years ago. We are now in a place of increasing fruitfulness through empowering technologies that allow our decentralized movement to work together in a powerful way.
Josh McDowell’s The DaVinci Code: A Quest for Answers podcast has become the #2 podcast on the Apple iTunes site. You may not be familiar with podcasts, but they are an increasingly popular version of an audio book or broadcast. Over 100,000 people have subscribed to the podcast.
The Holy Spirit is not waiting until the May 19th release to begin using these websites. We are already seeing results. Email counselors are already discipling new believers. As of last Sunday on the website, we have seen:
• 86,508 visitors
• 8,139 indicated decisions
• 1,623 e-mail conversations
• 986 initiated follow-up
Do you want to be better prepared for The DaVinci Code opening? All signs indicate it will be a blockbuster, both in the movie theaters and in spiritual ministry opportunities. A friend wrote yesterday, ” We are in Kansas City this week and I’ve seen several people reading the book on the airplane, in the airports, and around the hotel. It is ‘hot’ now, isn’t it?”
Other sites that I like:
The battle of The Da Vinci Code, a balanced article on CNN site
The Truth about DaVinci Code, a very good resource in Q&A format
I’m sure there are other good sites. What are your favorites? How are you preparing for the “water cooler” and “soccer sidelines” discussions that The DaVinci Code movie will likely trigger?
I’ve been counseling seekers for several weeks via email from our Campus Crusade sites. Many seekers are writing strongly worded emails. George Barna recently observed, “A survey we completed this week shows that among the tens of millions of people who have read the bestseller, The Da Vinci Code, from cover to cover, the book has influenced their thinking – but it has not necessarily changed their religious views so much as it has confirmed what they already believed prior to reading the book.” Many seekers who are disbelieving of Christianity’s claims find the book gives them additional ammunition. And some are “weapons free” and firing away.
I have found that it is better to not engage directly in an argumentative or correcting manner. I avoid making the argument between “me and him” and help the seeker understand the fight is in his own heart between him and God. Answering directly can keep them engaged in verbal combat. I ask them to read the CNN article (because it is from a non-Christian source) and then write me back with issues it raises in their minds. Then I remain more of a neutral entity versus a target and we can focus the discussion on his or her response to what they are reading.
This is a tremendous opportunity to capture significant spiritual discussions with people. God is giving us an opportunity for tremendous fruitfulness.
We are living out missions in the 21st century, taking advantage of the revolutionary advances in communication to reach out to people seeking peace and meaning that comes through Christ.
Are you ready? You can be!
I was at Starbucks tonight and the topic of conversation in the comfy chairs next to me was–you guessed it–the DaVinci Code! It was incredible listening to people talk about whether or not Jesus was who He claimed to be and if the Bible was true.
These conversations are one way we see God’s kingdom coming tp reign from heaven to earth.