It started with Alan Shepherd, Gus Grissom and John Glenn, in the 4th and 5th grade. It has continued through last night’s shuttle launch. I was afraid I would be in Vancouver, Canada on Thursday night and miss the opportunity to see a night launch. I mean, why else live in Florida if you can’t see the shuttle launch, right? But the launch was delayed and I got back into town.
So Kay, Jennifer and I drove east out of Orlando a little bit and watched the shuttle launch from Bob’s Market parking lot.
See other photos we made of the launch.
And I’m not alone. There are many new photos of last night’s launch on Flickr.
In church today, we sang:
You, Who made the mountains and the sea
Measured out the universe and you made me
Echoes of the voice that called the worlds to be
Reach throughout the ages and now speak to me
You’re my Creator KingYou, Who made the valleys and the skies
Displayed Your love on far horizons and before my eyes
You, Who lit the stars and set the dawn in time
Called them all by name and now You whisper mine
You’re my Creator KingChorus
Who am I that You are mindful of me
Who am I that You sent Your love on me
You’re my Creator KingYou, Who made the darkness and the light
Sun and Moon to watch the day and guard the night
The hand that stretched the heavens like a canopy
Reaches down to cover and watch over me
You’re my Creator King
There is something about travel into space that stirs awe and wonder in us. For me, it’s a testimony of the power of God in creating the heavens. I’ve never gotten over it. Since Alan Shepherd in 4th grade, I’ve been awed by our efforts to explore the majesty of the heavens that God created.
I don’t plan on ever getting over it.
Have you been on Disney’s space ride at Epcott? If you are serious about thinking more about what it would be like to go into space, Disney’s space ride seems like a reasonably cheap way to experience this.
I don’t do virtual reality well at all. It really sets my motion sickness sensors into warp overdrive.