How well are we doing?
That is a very important question that we in Campus Crusade for Christ want to become better at answering. We want to know how we are doing in building local movements everywhere. We want to know how we are doing at helping everyone know someone who truly follows Jesus.
We are serious about our mission of
- helping fulfill the Great Commission
- through winning, building and sending
- in the power of the Holy Spirit
- so that local movements of evangelism and discipleship are established among every nation, every tribe, every people, and every language.
So I’m off to Singapore to meet with our leaders from around the world to help plan a measurement system to help us keep our finger on the pulse of movement-building around the world. This is a complex issue because we operate in over 140 countries, many languages, different cultures, similar but sometimes different priorities. In fact, the more I learn about Campus Crusade for Christ globally, the more I am amazed that we work together so well. It’s a testimony to God’s grace and his call on our lives. I don’t think it would work without our strong emphasis on walking in the power of the Holy Sprit.
It’s kind of like the way the church works!
Please pray for the following things:
1. For each of us to be filled with the Holy Spirit and be sensitive to His leading
2. That God would bind us together in unity even as we discuss difficult issues
3. That we would stay focused on the task at hand and leave with clear objectives
4. That God would lead us to His creative solutions to complex problems and opportunities
I’ll keep you posted…
Will be praying for the meeting. Tell everyone I said hello.