Lawn mowing is the ultimate introvert exercise. No one interrupts you (they might be asked to take a few rounds). No talking to anyone.
As I mowed today and philosophized this new realization, I grew in my understanding. I realized that lawn mowing is the ultimate exercise for Myers-Briggs INTJs. Not only am I totally alone in my I-ness, lawn mowing doesn’t take much thought. That leaves an NT with a free mind to soar with other ideas. I do some really good thinking while mowing the lawn.
Then there is the J-judging. I’ve never really understood that, but I read this today:
Key words for judging: structured • decided • organized • scheduled
People who have a preference for judging use their preferred judging function (whether it is thinking or feeling) in their outer life. What this often looks like is that they prefer a planned or orderly way of life, like to have things settled and organized, feel more comfortable when decisions are made, and like to bring life under control to the degree that it is possible.
Now I get it. I just thought everybody was this way. Who doesn’t want a planned life, an orderly life, having things settled, feeling more comfortable when decisions are made? It’s the only way to live!
And lawn mowing is a great time to get things settled, planning out next steps, deciding.
Ahh, what a great INTJ experience. I think I’ll mow my neighbor’s lawn today also!
i like this post!! So, I score as an ISTJ (scary, I know…just like you in your younger days)…but I don’t tend to get a lot of thinking done while mowing the lawn…I have to think about how straight of a line I’m mowing, or how to cover the lawn most efficiently…:)
Actually, I originally was thinking about a blog post about efficient ways to mow the lawn. May still do that. Or maybe you should!