I read in Steve Addison’s World Changers blog today:
The breakthroughs in the renewal and expansion of the Christian movement always occur on the fringe. Why? Because those with the biggest investment in the past and the present have too much to lose by facing reality.
Plummeting attendances and ordinations are painful, but not terminal if you’re sitting on millions of (dollars, euros, pounds) worth of assets.
Movement leaders raise the sense of urgency. They face the brutal facts. They heighten discontent.
The italics are mine. These are the sentences that connected with me. I am a leader in my missionary organization, Campus Crusade for Christ. I am celebrating 31 years with Campus Crusade this summer. I have a big investment in the past and in the present.
But I also feel a sense of urgency. Reality is my friend. The status-quo is not my friend.
And I know other leaders who feel the same way also.
The discontented feelings that we can do better in accomplishing the Great Commission. The urgency of the needs today. The desire to unleash new momentum among students.
These thoughts led Campus Crusade leaders to call thousands of students to Busan, South Korea. 15,994 students and staff members from 121 countries concluded a conference this week in our first ever global student missions conference. It was a historic event. The theme: Christ Magnified, Connected Movements, and Completing the Mission.
Read more at http://www.cm2007.net.
My friend Angie Bring has written and photographed extensively. Read her tremendous information at http://angiebring.com/.
As these students return home, pray that movements will be launched on all 8,000 top universities around the world.
I would agree that the greatest movements occur on the fringe because those on the ‘inside’ have vested interests.
I went to a Christian College (Toccoa Falls) so I didn’t have any exposure to CCC but I had some friends there that had transfered in from secular Universities that said CCC was the best thing going on!
What do you do now Ben?