This was our assignment during Indigitous Addis. 130 people from 17 countries spent 3 days learning from each other and from technology leaders.
Kyama Mugambi was my frequent partner last week. He is in the photo at the top of this page. Kyama was part of the social media strategy group and we also enjoyed meals together.
Kyama is the Executive Pastor and gives leadership to international outreach for Mavuno Church. Mavuno means harvest in Swahili. Mavuno’s mission is to the young professionals in the capital cities of Africa.
Kyama also shares my passion to see young leaders grow into responsible roles. In the future, he plans to step out of his current leadership role before the age gap with his church target audience gets too large.
Indigitous created 13 projects ranging from evangelistic videos to mobile apps to strategic marketing plans. One team was excited to lead a number of people to the Lord as part of testing their online project.
We are connecting people to Jesus and engaging them in churches through digital strategies.
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