Kay and I tried something last night. Along with several of our Campus Crusade teammates who live in our area of town, we threw a block party for our neighbors. We invited about 30-40 households to a movie under the stars. We set up at the end of a dead-end street. We showed the movie Magadelena – Released from Shame.
Shame is the ball and chain that holds many people to their pasts. The power of shame is broken by forgiveness. Many people no longer feel guilt, but almost all feel shame or embarrassment over things they have done. This movie traces the life of Jesus through the eyes of Mary Magdalene, who experience Jesus forgiveness.
We had guests from two households. Including those of us who hosted the event, we had about 15 people. So the turnout to the movie wasn’t overhwhelming.
But, we have met neighbors in 30-40 homes. We have shown them we are interested enough to walk through the neighborhood and invite them to something. We have identified ourselves as Christians. Like a lifeguard at the beach, when there is an emergency, everyone looks to the lifeguard. We hope that we’ll have opportunities to talk further with neighbors as life’s crises occur.
And, it was a great evening at the movie!
God brought whom He wanted to be there. I don’t know if He planted seeds, watered them or warmed them with sunshine, or harvested the fruit. But I know He is God. I do not know if someone will find you in heaven and say “remember that time you showed the Shame film in our neighborhood in FL?” Doesn’t matter to me. God can handle it.
Thanks for your encouragement.