In a few days, Kay and I will shake hands, hug Stefan and Marie, and pray with them. Then our 12-year journey of pioneering the role of Chief Technology Officer and founding the Global Technology Office will be over and their journey of leading into the next phase will begin. And we could not be more pleased or more excited about what God is doing.
As we began this global leadership journey 12 years ago, I wrote down 4 things I sensed God leading me to focus on. One of these was:
Identify emerging leaders with a pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit who are willing to claim a part of the technology world for Christ
For 12 years, Kay and I have identified and trained emerging leaders who are stepping into significant leadership roles. About 18 months ago, I felt God saying it was time to turn over my role to an emerging leader. Kay and I talked and prayed. I informed my boss, the Vice President of Operations. We launched a transition process that selected a new leader from many highly qualified people. Stefan is that new leader.
Stefan and Marie are from South Africa, so there have been many things that had to happen for them to exit their ministries and lives in Pretoria and move their family to Orlando. They have two children, Kenneth (grade 5) and Monica (grade 3). We have seen God’s hand of provision in their arrival this summer.
Stefan is not a replacement for me. Marie is not a replacement for Kay. Stefan is a new leader with new ideas and a new calling from God.
So, here we are. Saying goodbye to our team that has journeyed with us. Reflecting on dreams fulfilled. Reminiscing with friends. Moving out of our office cube. Processing emotions that come with change. Anticipating the future.
What will we do next? Kay and I are asking this same question. We are in conversations with a number of Cru ministries who are offering us amazing opportunities. We are taking September to pray and evaluate where God is leading us.
Kay and I value your prayers. Please pray with us as we seek God’s wisdom and leading about our future. Like a two-part episode, this story is To Be Continued…
Kay and Keith,
Thank you so much for investing in so many along the way. I have been blessed by your wisdom and leadership and I look forward to the days to come, as I know God has big plans for you!
The longer I’m here, the more I hear stories of the faithfulness, wisdom, and fruitfulness of Keith and Kay. You have made a huge impact! I know that wherever He leads you, your influence will continue. 🙂
Keith – How can we thank you enough for the inspiration and opportunity you have provided for our precious girl? We could never have asked for a more amazing ‘boss’ –leader, mentor—you have invested not only in our gal, but in your team, and probably only in eternity will you know the far reaches of that investment. We are so thankful that God placed her in your care!
Kay – you allowed me to sleep peacefully so many times when by baby was on the other side of the world! Yes, I know God always has her in the palm of His hands, but you know from a mother’s heart, that it is always nice when another mother is around! Our babies will always be our babies no matter how well traveled and wise they may become!
Blessings to both of you. I can only imagine what God has in store for your continuing journey!
Love and Prayers