I’m a 59 year old leader. I want to finish well. I think we all do.
I read three things today that are insightful in finishing well.
1. @destinoeric retweeted @crawfordloritts:
One of the signs of spiritual maturity is that you no longer charge others for the deficits in your life. Eph. 4:31-32
I’ve always appreciated Dr. Crawford Loritts’ direct, non-nonsense approach to my spiritual life. But… wow! There is no wiggle room here! Ouch!
2. @kencochrum retweeted @GaryRunn‘s blog post Leading Old – Again. Gary unpacked maturing leadership more. 1) Invite the input of others, don’t ignore it like older leaders frequently do. 2) Refuse to blame others as a way to maintain my respectability as a leader. 3) Cross the divide of being able to serve under a younger leader.
3. @michaelhyatt tweeted his blog article 5 ways to energize your team. But before he listed his 5 ways (which are good), he tells a story from this week that richly demonstrates @crawfordloritts‘ point about lack of maturity and @garyrunn‘s leadership principles.
I’m still learning.
Yours are humble insights, Keith. Thanks for modeling well for us young(er) bucks.