I’m in uncharted territory. Helping my dad as he faces feeling useless. Alzheimers is stealing his mind and he is wondering why God is leaving him here. I’m realizing how much I live in the world of strategic thinking, planning, and executing. I live in the world of grand plans. The Great Commission. Planting 5 million churches. Helping everyone know someone who truly follows Jesus.
I live in the world of options. If A doesn’t work, we try B. If B doesn’t work, we re-evaluate and move forward again. We bathe our decision-making in prayer and trust God to lead us through the strategic planning process.
But there is no strategicness in alzheimers. There is no world to conquer. There is no grand mission. There is only waking up each morning, saying “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” [Ps 118:24] There is only “The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot. The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.” [Ps 16:6]
And it is enough. No, it is more than enough.
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