Our air conditioner is leaking. Inside the house. The ceiling is wet in the downstairs bathroom because the inside air handler unit is above it on the second floor.
I’ve been talking to God about the leaky air conditioner and the exhorbitant cost of a new unit. And, I’ve been reading Job in my morning devotionals.
My prayer life has been enriched by the desperate need for several thousand dollars to fix the air conditioner. For 32 years, Kay and I have been financially supported by a team of financial partners in our faith-mission work. We’ve raised 3 children, seen all 3 graduate from college, seen 2 marry (still praying for the 3rd spouse!). We’ve seen God’s provision every step of the way. But we’ve never seen an abundance where we get to prepare ahead of time for these costly opportunities.
So I’ve been wondering where the money will come from for this current need. It’s easy to berate myself for not doing more to prepare.
This morning, God spoke to me through my friends Angie and Scott. Angie wrote “What God doesn’t say”. You really gotta read this!