A posting from John Piper’s blog this morning got me to thinking about one of the purposes of ministry partner development. MPD is the process we in Campus Crusade for Christ as well as other faith-based ministries use to develop the financial funding and prayer base needed to engage in ministry fulltime. Kay and I have experienced God’s faithfulness for 32 years, including raising 3 children who have all graduated from college and two have married. Ministry partners are those who come alongside to engage in the mission through their finances, their prayers, and their notes of encouragement.
Piper’s post reminded me of another purpose in our ministry partner development time. Kay and I are passionate about what we do. I have never gotten over the tremendous privilege we have of engaging fulltime, all day, every day, in a myriad of places in being an ambassador for the King of kings. And as we have met with ministry partners this past two weeks, we’re able to stir up their passion, and hearing from them stirs our passion even more.
Piper calls this
…a God-designed effect on others. This is part of why passion is so good. It is an honor to Christ, and satisfying to us, and transforming to others.
That’s what Paul points out in 2 Corinthians 9:2. With great zeal for Christ, the Corinthians are ready to share in the collection for the poor in Jerusalem. And what is the effect on the Macedonians? “Your zeal has stirred up most of them.” That is the God-designed effect of passion for God.
Bring on the zeal, the passion!